What is roof sarking and why do you need it?

As part of the roof tile installation process, your builder may mention a sarking fitting strategy.


What is Roof Sarking?

Roof sarking is the flat damp-proof foil sheets layered under your roof tiles prior to their installation. Sarking enhances the already effective performance of your roof tiles, significantly improving the return on your investment.


What are the Benefits of Sarking?

1) Rainfall Protection

Roof sarking shields your roof cavity, which if compromised by rainfall may lead to the growth of mould, causing leaks or even permanent ceiling damage. If these incidents were to occur, you may need to move or undertake a roof replacement prematurely, which is costly and time consuming.

2) Thermal Efficiency

Roofing tiles possess better thermal properties which helps keep your home cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter. This can be attributed to the density of roof tiles. Roof sarking also reflects up to 95% of the radiant heat from your home, improving the thermal comfort of your home and reducing the need for internal heating and cooling.

3) Dust and Dirt Protection

Roof sarking also prevents dust and dirt, carried by the wind, from entering your home through vents and gaps, which may aggravate health issues such as asthma.

4) Fire protection

Roof sarking consolidates the fire-proof nature of your home and is a mandatory requirement for homes in bushfire prone areas.

5) Moisture protection

Roof sarking prevents the transmission of moisture into your home acting as a vapour resistant barrier to the elements. This heavily reduces the risk of water building up in your roof, which is a key consideration for homes in colder climates or during winter seasons. Consequences of water building up on up on your roof include the deterioration of your roof’s visual appeal and the erosion of your supporting structure.


How can you install roof sarking?

As roof sarking is applied under roof tiles, it is best installed during a roof replacement or construction. Existing roofs can have sarking fitted but it requires large areas of roof tiles to be stripped away and is only feasible when a roof already has some sarking.

Roof sarking cannot be approached with a one size fits all approach. The product comes in a variety of shapes and sizes, each optimised for a different purpose. The price and time required for installation are typically dependent on each square metre of sarking that needs to be fitted. To ensure you make the right decision for your home, you should speak with several licensed contractors and experts for quotes before reaching a final decision.

Interested in learning more about roof sarking? You can seek guidance by contacting the Australia Roofing Tiles Association (ARTA) Technical team here.